
Please read the following carefully

Mediation v. Litigation

Mediation is a non-adversarial process where disputants are encouraged to discover and create mutually satisfactory solutions outside of the courtroom. Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process in which a neutral third party (Mediator) facilitates communication between the disputing parties. The Mediator helps the disputing parties communicate with one another to explore options and solutions that are unique to their situation and to reach an agreement, but the Mediator does not attempt to force a settlement. The mediation process is non-binding, unless an agreement is reached. 


Litigation is an adversarial process where both spouses retain attorneys to represent them in court and the Judge is the final decision maker. Mediation is less time consuming and less costly than litigation.

In-Person Mediation is only available in San Diego, Los Angeles, and Orange County. Online Mediation however, is available throughout the entire United States via Zoom.

Zoom is a popular online platform that can be used for mediations of almost any size. provides the Zoom accounts and there is no cost to the parties. It offers breakout rooms for mediations. Zoom is self-administered and requires minimal preparation by participants, as detailed below. Our neutrals and staff are available to assist you with this convenient and user-friendly tool.

You will receive a Zoom link once you’ve booked a service.

Online Mediation with Zoom. What are the technical requirements?

  • Download Zoom to your computer or tablet in advance of your session at Though less optimal, you may also participate with your smartphone.
  • Confirm that:
    • your computer audio is enabled
    • you have a videocam on or attached to your computer
    • your internet connection is working
    • you have a suitable backdrop and good lighting
  • Consider doing a test run, if possible, in advance of your scheduled conference in order to address any technical concerns.

How does the process work?

  • You will receive an invitation to a Zoom videoconference. This will include both the link and the password.
  • The mediator will be the host of the meeting.
  • The neutral may have you join parties in the main Zoom meeting room or go directly into a breakout session.
  • The neutral may use the mute button at various stages during the process to eliminate background noise.
  • If you are in the same location as your client, then you may also use the mute button (as appropriate) to have a sidebar conversation with your client.
  • During mediation sessions, you may also have a conversation with your client – and with the mediator – in one of the breakout rooms.
  • Conversations in that room will be limited to invitees only.

Our Goal is to help as many clients as we possibly can.  This is why we offer the very lowest rates in dispute resolution services beginning with a free 30 min consultation with one of our mediators. Contact us before paying thousands for a litigating attorney who will most likely drag you into a long-drawn-out court battle.    

For a very limited time, take advantage of our Covid-19 Special 2 Hour Online Mediation for Only $199! Normal Flat fee is $250 per party for two hours. 


In addition to Mediation Services, we also offer Dispute Resolution Systems Design.  Dispute System Design (DSD) is the process of identifying, designing, employing, and evaluating an effective means of resolving conflicts within an organization. In order to be truly effective, dispute systems must be thoroughly thought out and carefully constructed.