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The way forward begins here. We offer dispute resolution without the courtroom so as to avoid a drawn-out legal battle. We offer a better, faster, less expensive way for the parties to get back to living their best life by creating a win/win situation through objective problem solving.
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Mediation is a structured, interactive process where an impartial third party assists disputing parties in resolving conflict through the use of specialized communication and negotiation techniques. All participants in mediation are encouraged to actively participate in the process

Landlord/Tenant Law

Landlord/tenant disputes can be particularly contentious.  Our Mediation service allows faster and less costly resolution of the following disputes:

  • Habitability and quiet enjoyment
  • Legality of rental unit
  • Wrongful eviction
  • Interpretation of lease provisions
  • Rent calculations
  • Permissible use restrictions
  • Subleasing
  • Allocation of common expenses

Our neutrals also excel at resolving the toughest family law disputes, including matters regarding dissolution of a marriage, child custody, child support, spousal support, paternity issues, property issues, inheritance disputes, and others.

We are here to help when you need it

Special Education Law

Special Education Law


Family Law

Business Law

Business Law

Industrial Law

Industrial Law

Resolved Cases 2019
Resolved Cases 2020
Resolved Cases 2021

Day by Day We are Improving Our skills

Our mediators have demonstrated their ability to resolve cases promptly and efficiently, providing significant savings of time and expense. None-the-less we strive every day to improve

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